The adventure starts here

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"I believe in floorless craftsmanship, in high quality
and that elegance is an attitude. Always be a fearless learner.
Mr Sinatra's music was always unique, timeless and sincere and the benchmark for everything that has gone before and since. Ian believes singing is a musical tool for finely turned illumination of the human condition. "

Ian Gallagher

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And That's All..

"One for my baby"
"Here's to the good times"

I was privileged to see Mr Sinatra sing many times and un officially I was allowed to take some photographs of him while he was performing. You don’t get better memories than that. I hope that the boss doesn’t minds me sharing them with you on this website. 

He's here: December 12th 1915
He's gone: May 14th 1998

Ol’ blue eyes gone, I don’t have to believe if I don’t want too but “boy” heaven will never be the same. Throughout his life his interactions with woman and everyone else were passionate and unpredictable but he was able to reflect that volatility and vulnerability when he sang. We will never see his like again. In his own words.

"you only live once and the way I've lived once is enough. Thank you for letting me sing with you. "

Frank Sinatra


I believe that allowing yourself the luxury of knowing it is going to be right, is a luxury everyone should be able to afford. A singer always owes the audience everything he can give and more. Give openly of your talent and your heart, what is in a singer’s heart must be in every note or he has failed. No matter how technically correct he is singing. A singer’s greatest satisfaction should be to know that his work has enriched the lives of those he has been privileged to sing to. A singer is first an interpreter of stories, when I sing it is like sitting down and telling a story. Respect the audience, they are always the most important judge of your work, always thank them for letting you sing for them.