Recent Review
Your performance last night at Lenham was absolutely fantastic, so good in fact that myself and my grandad have watched more of your performances on your website since seeing you live!
From the singing and the vocals to how you got the entire room full of people singing, dancing and smiling, every bit of the show was just a sheer joy to watch and be a part of. Don’t get me started on the two opera songs, I (along with the rest of the room) was in ore of just how well those songs were sung.
A wonderful voice, awesome talent, an impeccable showman and the highlight of the evening- I simply cannot recommend enough and I will certainly be booking.
All the best lan, thank you for the music & the joy
Welcome To Classic Sinatra
Ian Gallagher
Ian Gallagher is widely regarded as the finest Sinatra impersonator in the UK. Many singers try to impersonate Sinatra, but there’s know one quite like Ian Gallagher! He has been singing professionally for over 40 years and has appeared around the world, singing Sinatra songs to fans. Ian appeared in a Channel 5 documentary about Frank Sinatra “His way, king of the crooners” which has been broadcast many times on national TV. Ian was originally employed as a look a like but eventually the producer decided Ian should do some singing and also provided some of the historical facts used in the documentary.
Ian performs renditions of Sinatra songs (spanning the duration of Ol’ Blue Eyes’ career), so whichever Sinatra song you want to hear, you can be confident he will know it. Ian also covers a variety of genres including modern pop, Motown and disco.
With a Sinatra Tribute Act that’s based in the Southeast, if you’re looking for a singer for a wedding, function or corporate event, Ian Gallagher is the perfect choice. So, if you’re looking for that “Rat Pack” experience call Ian on 01268 412806.
To check availability or to hire Ian Gallagher please use our contact page or the below details:
Email: Classicsinatrasinger@gmail.com
Telephone: 01268 412806
Visit our sister site Michael Bublé Tribute for the UK’s Number 1 Michael Bublé experience.

New York ,New York
Francis Albert Sinatra was born on Monroe Street in Haboken, New Jersey, New York on December 12th 1915. Always proud of his Italian American roots, he wore his love of New York on his sleeve wherever he went and of course recorded his own Anthem to the City that never sleeps.

Old blue eyes became one of Hollywood’s most revered dramatic actors in a film career that spanned 5 decades he made more than 60 films, classic musicals like ‘Anchors Aweigh’ 1945, ‘High Society’ 1956, ‘Robin and the Seven hoods’ 1964. He won an academy award for his dramatic comeback performance in the classic ‘From here to eternity’ 1953. He was magnificent as a drug addicted drummer in ‘The Man with the golden arm’ 1956 and many of the songs and themes from his films can be included in Ian’s show.

Sinatra has been linked with many of the great Broadway Shows like Guys and Dolls, he has recorded many of the great Rogers and Hammerstein songs like “If I loved you” from Carousel and many of the great Broadway songs can be included in the set if required.

Nigel Mansell UK Youth Charity Event
Ian and Nigel Mansell OBE at the Nigel Mansell UK Youth Golf Classic held at the East Sussex Golf Club. Nigel was thrilled with Ian’s singing and commented on Ian’s beautiful voice and perfect timing. Ian sang and dedicated ‘The Impossible Dream’ in acknowledgement of Nigel’s achievement, winning both the Formula One World Drivers Championship and the CART Indy Car World Series – holding both titles simultaneously.

Ian Gallagher with Jack Jones
Ian appeared with one of his great heroes, American singing legend Jack Jones, at the Barbican London. Frank Sinatra called Jack Jones “One of the major singers of our time”

Ian Gallagher with Norman Wisdom (Picture Right)
Ian appeared with Sir Norman Wisdom at Buckingham Palace at a charity event.

Ian Gallagher
with Mrs Tresadern
Ian and Mrs Tresadern (Wife of Sinatra Music Society Secretary). Ian is the only Sinatra Singer endorsed by the Sinatra music society.
Ian and Pravin
Thank you so much for making our day so special! The guests haven’t stopped complimenting your wonderful performance. You were total perfection.
Much Love Sanjila and Pravin Mayor

Ian Helps Raise £70K
The VIP dinner function held in Surrey and hosted by Evans, saw a massive £70,000 being raised for Children in Need.
Ian Gallagher with Chris Evans
” How great is this guy. What a fantastic show; I can’t believe how versatile he is and his interaction with the crowd really made the evening great fun.” CHRIS EVANS

Don Black
Sir Don Black, one of the great lyricists of the 20th Century invited Ian to sing for him. He said, “I haven’t heard those songs sung that way since Matt passed away”. Ian was incredibly complimented and overwhelmed when this was said. Ian didn’t know until he arrived at the venue that he was in fact working for one of the true legends of British music. Sir Don enjoyed Ian’s singing immensely that night and called Ian “a great singer”. At the end of one of his concerts Sir Don Black, to Ian’s surprise and delight, shook Ian’s hand, congratulated him on his performance and said you have the gift of not over singing and you understand the value of understatement in music. Sir Don was so impressed that he offered his support in securing a record deal. Sir Don was Matt Monro’s best friend and had written many of Matt’s greatest hits including ‘Walk Away’, ‘On Days Like These’ and of course the song that Matt is most associated with and the first British song ever to win an academy award, the immortal ‘Born Free’.

Andy Williams
We will miss you Andy! Thanks for 8 amazing decades of entertainment! Andy continued to perform until 2011 when he left the stage to combat a cancer diagnosis in September. He returned to the stage on one night in November 2011 to sing one song in his Christmas Show and talked to the audience about his illness. Andy passed on September 25, 2012
Ian is a massive fan of Andy Williams and includes many of his great songs in his sets:
• Can’t take my eyes off of you
• Moon river
• Almost there (which Ian has recorded)
• Theme from love story – Where do I begin

Ian Gallagher with a young fan.
Ian was pleased to pose with a young fan at one of his shows.
Kathleen and Sydney Shaw
Thanks for all the happy times you have given us. Best wishes for the future.

The Gulf War
“Ian was very honoured to be chosen as the only male vocalist to sing to the British troops during the gulf war. After the tour was over the Ministry of Defence sent this letter of Thanks”

I believe that allowing yourself the luxury of knowing it is going to be right, is a luxury everyone should be able to afford. A singer always owes the audience everything he can give and more. Give openly of your talent and your heart, what is in a singer’s heart must be in every note or he has failed. No matter how technically correct he is singing. A singer’s greatest satisfaction should be to know that his work has enriched the lives of those he has been privileged to sing to. A singer is first an interpreter of stories, when I sing it is like sitting down and telling a story. Respect the audience, they are always the most important judge of your work, always thank them for letting you sing for them.

Bring a point of view, but be flexible. Be truthful when you sing and when you speak. Mean what you say and always do what you say you will. An audience can sense sincerity, be worthy of your goals, your heroes and mentors. Be courageous in your musical choices, surprise the audience and never settle for less. Never break your word, it is your most precious asset. Find a path you love and the work becomes your passion. I will do everything I can to make your event the best I can, and this is my promise to you.
Quality can always be improved; preparation is quality’s best friend. Always buy the best musical equipment, the best is always the cheapest. There is no shortcut to quality.
Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle. Devote yourself to the perfection of what you do. Think before you speak, before you sing and before you walk on stage. Never be complacent or content. Be better.
There is something sacred about music, be generous in your musical choices. Every time you walk on stage you have the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently. Be articulate, flexible and expressive. Be passionate, don’t take yourself too seriously, music is the shorthand of emotion. Be truthful when you sing and when you speak. Try to be nice to everyone. Be grateful, be kind, be sincere.
Be brave, be positive, never negative. Represent your values and encapsulate them. Know one becomes a singer because of the money, be dedicated, don’t give up, you have to respect yourself, only then can you learn to respect others. Always pay attention and always find the joy. Your profession is not what brings home your pay cheque, it’s what you were put on earth to do, so do it with such passion and integrity that it becomes spiritual in its calling.
Be 100% present, always. Remember that your profession is not what you do, it is who you are. When you sing, earn the privilege of your audience’s time. You are what you do so do it with enthusiasm. If you don’t take risks, you risk even more. Be early, be ready and say thank you. Remember opportunity is missed by many people because it is often dressed in overalls and looks like hard work. A professional always finds his truth in the work. You already buy yourself energy and creativity if you come prepared and are early